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Nilo Project

Bookmark1  People who go to the place may make use not only of the stores, but also of the open air space on one of the most upscale corners of Porto Alegre.   It is so because the commercial center is projected seeking for the integration among the 12 stores and the street, making the … Continue reading “Nilo Project”

BS House

Bookmark0When the new purple sky train line which connects from the north of Bangkok to the west outbound of the city was opened, it has affected the development along the railway probably. The many estates have been established typically. However, one couple had decided to settle their house on 10×10 meters land approximately where it … Continue reading “BS House”

Sky repoussoir

Bookmark1Project involved designing a large number of residential spaces & organizing them in a relatively much smaller plot. In the design, parallel walls along north-south direction set up the main dialogic frame to shape the house’s relationship with the outside space. As a design move, it both iterates the project’s immediate context of a row-housing … Continue reading “Sky repoussoir”

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